(a collaboration with Chris Denson)

 A collaborative installation dealing with simulacra, spectatorship and site exchange with a salt pit-mine. The installation environment was changing over time through the dehumidification and crystallization of a salt water brine that inhabited the whole space. Embedded into the environment were multiple castings of crystals taken from the mine and castings of the bags that contained the purified salt used for the installation.


Digital photo commercially printed post cards as  show announcement
8.52” x 5.47”

An image of spectators at the salt pit-mine in Amboy, Ca.

Installation View

black plastic sheeting, resin, salt, concrete, dehumidifier, documents printed on plastic acetate, free online translation software, detritus from the viewers interaction with the environment, transfer of the original crystals on the castings
Installation view



document printed on acetate, salt, dehumidifier, concrete casting, free online translation software
8.5”x 11”

A detail of a document that outlined our collaborative artistic process translated into Japanese that salt crystals are growing on.


resin, concrete, salt, black plastic, detritus from viewers interaction with the environment, dehumidifier
7”x 14.5”x 5.75”

A detail of the castings of the salt crystals.